festival internacional de arte sonoro
Montevideo - Uruguay

domingo 12 a domingo 19 de noviembre

16:00 - 20:00 - videoinstalación - Time Correction Melodies
Tumi Magnússon (Islandia/Dinamarca)
Obrador - Joaquín Requena 1991

La obra expuesta es una instalación audio y video de tres canales.
Tres grabaciones de objetos en movimiento irregular, que producen de alguna manera sonido. Cada movimiento está manipulado para tener la misma duración, dos segundos. Produce un ritmo lento regular, reminiscencia de la respiración, a lo largo de la instalación. Los cambios temporales influencian la altura del sonido y crean una melodía. Las tres melodías juntas forman una extraña armonía cacofónica.

Tumi Magnússon was born in Iceland in 1957. He studied art at The Icelandic College of Art and Crafts, and at AKI (Academie voor Beeldende Kunst) in the Netherlands. His first solo exhibition was in 1981.
The works of Tumi Magnússon often concentrate on the simple, boring occurrences of daily life. They are about the simple logic and laws of nature inherent in these occurrences, and the twists we give them to make them bearable and interesting. They are also about using these daily incidents as a tool for thinking about something entirely different.  
The use of different kinds of media, such as photographs, video, sound and drawing are an important element in Tumi Magnússon’s work, and he sees this as a way of retaining freshness, avoiding technical virtuosity, and allowing the potential of one media to permeate another.  His works are often site-specific. His installations are imbued with a disarming sense of humour which opens them up towards the spectator and gives them a certain lightness.
Tumi Magnússon currently lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Tumi Magnússon
curso radio
radio 1 - 2 - 3
festival radio 1 - 2
obras radio 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Lukas Kühne
Fabrice Lengronne